Water is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, which is the main constituent of Earth’s hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms. It is vital for all known forms of life, even though it provides no calories or organic nutrients. Wikipedia
If we are hydrated our concentration is high, fatigue is low. Just think what happens to your car when the oil dries up! Have your comforting hot drinks but as well as or after your water. Water improves energy levels and helps for a better immune system and healthier skin.
Unda; Wave, Ripple, Stream, Fluid, Liquid, Water.
Our brains, lungs, hearts and kidneys are comprised of over 70% water. Stagnant water is poisonous, running water remains clear and clean and we need fresh water to survive. Dehydration lowers mood, causes headaches, constipation and much worse. If your brain is strongly influenced by your hydration status, up your intake of water to 2 litres per day. Can you, today, create a habit to drink more ( pure) water? #Habit.
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EASY DRINK WATER BOTTLE: Flip straw tip with one hand and sip without spilling or splashing. Hydrate your body by drinking water the easy and fun way. Use this 725 ml vacuum bottle at home, taking to school, work, in your car, sports, camping, traveling, at the beach or going on holiday with! It fits in all regular cup holders. The cap has a hook that adds to convenience for carrying the bottle in your hand, on finger or hanging it on your backpack.
Premium water bottles that help you to drink more water by encouraging consistent intake through the day.
Good for you – Good For the Planet.
The design eliminates condensation and water build-up so taking these travel bottles on the go is easy and mess free- Anti-slip, scratch-resistant and toxin-free, making these reusable water bottles a healthy choice
If we are hydrated our concentration is high, fatigue is low. Just think what happens to your car when the oil dries up! Have your comforting hot drinks but as well as or after your water. Water improves energy levels and helps for a better immune system and healthier skin.
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